Cape Mountain Zebra

Cape Mountain Zebra


Cape Mountain Zebra can weigh up to 372 kilograms (820lbs), which is significantly smaller than the Burchell’s Zebra weighing in at 990lbs.

Cape Mountain Zebra live in small herds consisting of one stallion and 4-5 mares.

Cape Mountain Zebra prefer slopes and can be seen as high as 3300ft. above sea level. Their preferred diet is grazing but when there is a shortage of food they will browse; eating bark, twigs, leaves, buds, fruits and roots.

Hunting Information

Hunting Cape Mountain Zebra is a good, challenging hunt which will involve a lot of walking.
Please Note: Cape Mountain Zebra cannot be imported into the United States.

Suitable calibers for hunting Cape Mountain Zebra include .30 caliber rifles.